Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dealing with Pain the Creative Way

For dealing with pain.

Pain, pain, go away ! No pain no gain ! Familiar. All of us go through pain - be it physical and emotional-at some point in our lives. Often though the emotional and psychological wounds takes a long time to heal. A stormy mariage, the loss of someone, lack of self-esteem, losing a well paid jobs, even something as simple as un unrealised childhood dream can wreck havoc on most of our systems. Although there are many ways of manaing pain - the most obvious one being to consult a specialist - dealing and getting through it finally ies in your own hands.

Pain is an element that can consume you given a chance. People handle pain differently because the pain threshold varies from individual to individual. So, how do we deal with it ?

I can share some of personal experiences and also pointers.

* Understand why pain exists. Depspite its unprelasantness, pain is a critical componet of the body,s defence system. Remember we are a living human being. We are alive. Every part of our body are covered with nerves and living cells. It is part of a rapid warning and defence relay systems. Instructing the motor neutrons of the central nervous system to
minimise detected physical harm. For instance, a deaf person cannot hear, due to his communicating signals to his brain is dead. No matter how loud you shout, he or she cannot hear . The nerves neturon connecting his brain is entirely out of order. Even you increase the volume so loud that it would hurt your ears, he feels no pain and hence cannot communicate .

The unpleasantness of pain encourages an organism to use any means at its disposal to disengage from the stimuli that it assumes causes the pain. It may also promote the healing process, just as most organisims will protect any injured region from further damaged in order to avoid more pain.Despite ites unpreleasantnes, pain is an important part of human existence. IF we do not feel pain, something is wrong with us. In one way or another, daily we feel pain physically or emotionally. It is how we control those pains that keeps
us alive.

* Preliminary pain can serve as an early warning system. Eg like my goug case. I knew my lower ankle starts to give pain each time i walk. Even before i start to walk,when i lift my
leg, the pain at the ankle starts. This is the signal warning system. It is like the body sending me a message to rectify it. WHen i am so busy working and thinking, i really cannot feel the pain. But the minute, i sit down and rest, the pain begins. And it can be a nightmare. It will disturbs your sleep ,it keeps you awake and you lose your energy easily.

SO it there is pain you can bet there is something in your lifestyle that is not serving you greater purpose in life. If you keep getting migraine headaches it could be that you are abusing your body ( eg, tension, stress, being overworked, too much sugar consumption, dehydration , not enough sleep) . Your lifestyle is leading you to be dissociated from your body. IT is time for you to wake up and change. It is like a alarm giving you the wake up call.

If you are suffering heartbreak due to a broken relationship , it is happening due to a distinct disconnection with your partner. Life is about integration; our mind-driven behaviour often leads itself to too much analysis and thought.Daily we are overloaded with lots of unwanted information. Because of the greedness of information, we keep on taking in all the unnecessary information. Analysis is about breaking things down so we become divided and we make ourself active. If we can make a simple analaysis of what we do daily, we can trained our brains to analsyse almost any thing.

* Acceptance . When you feel pain, don,t fight against it. Accept it withouht any resistance. Acknowledge that this is happenings as a forewarning to you. Take heed to it. It is like
what we call alarm system.Also do not be alarm by the pain. Do a simple analysis.

* Elimination. Acceptance takes youto the root cause of the pain. After accepting , and making a good analysis , prepare to make the elimination programme.Feel blessed and know that something is guding you into becoming stronger. Each painful incident will strengthen your physical and emotional self. BY going out to have fun and relax, ie, go for a swim,go for a walk, take a boat ride, drive your car to the greenery areas and rest.Be happy, be yourself.

* Don,t feel sorry for yourself and start to ask questios. " WHY ? WHY now? Why it had to be Me ? WHy not him or her or them ? Such negative questions will not help you to find a
solution. Do not even allow such negatively to take place. They may worsen your condition.

* Stop blaming yourself or anyone else for your pain.Accept the fact and face it positively. Deal with it. No one else can do it for you except yourself.SOme people can only support you, and give you guidelines, otherwise dealing with pain is an individual responsibility.

So it is really physcial health matters, go and see and find a General practioner and seek help.IF if is a emotional matter, seek a close friend whom you can trust and talk it out.Or look for a Healing coach or councillor for full assistance. They cannot be helping you 100 % and it is only you yourself that you have to stand up,be strong and deal with it.

Coment please.

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