Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mandarin version of Globalisation..

“ 全球化 ” 的飞跃

在急速变迁的今日世界里,我们应当改变自我,应当清楚我们的未来在何方。在一日千里的今日商场中,行商之道如行云流水般变化莫测。我们在商场中能做到雷历风行吗?谁是我们巨大的潜在对手呢 ?他们隐藏在何处呢?他们何时
“ 全球化 ”是新时代的标志,每个人都费尽脑汁想挤进这辆载满机遇的马车。事实上,我们只需要“飞跃 ”。就能解开思想的绳索。

1。 终生学习的能力与领导能力
2。 实验,实践 , 实现
3。 有毅力的行动
4。 有计划地行动
5。 战略性的策略


在我们进行的事情中,环境的改变往往会引发我们原计划的巨变,在这种情况下,我们又常常会抱怨,常常会找借口为自己开脱。我们在巨大的压力当中,就好比乘坐在高速飞行的战斗机中,每当飞机俯冲时,我们会感到全身的血液涌向大脑。我们应当如何应变环境的改变所导致的一系列变化,以及这一切所造成的压力呢?答案是,我们应当掌握终生学习的能力和领导能力。我们应当如何给学习能力下定义呢?首先,我们要学会丢弃原有的知x ,然后重新学习,打造一个稳固的基础而基础恰恰是我们经长忽略的因素。学习能力并不全与学术领域有关。但它却一定和看似简单的“常识基础”密不可分。

我们越是敢于与别人分享成功的经验 ,就越能在我们的学习中开创新的思维。领导能力来源于学习能力,而且它常常在悄然无声中形成。没有天生的领导者
,也没有从训练班中走出来的领导者。“领导者”是在学习中不断累积经验,自我完善而逐渐形成的。我们的问题常常是无法正视自己,因此我们需要一面“镜子”来看清我们自己,那就意味着我们应当客观地审视自己,应当虚心的向前辈请教。总而言之“ 逆水行舟,不进则退。” 在这个处于时代飞速发展进步的世界中,我们不努力学习,将很难跟上时代的步伐。

2。 实验,实践 , 实现
俗话说的好:“吃一堑,长一智。经验是我们的良师益友,它能教会我们许多处世之道, 我们总是以一种害怕,甚至逃避的态度来对待错误,失败;我们总是偏袒我们自己的观点而拒绝别人的想法;我们总是以自我为中心。这使我们面对问题不敢实验,不实践就得不到经验,没有经验就没勇气实验-从而形成了一个恶性循环。我们应当清楚,从试验中我们能够得到足够的经验,再利用经验去实践我们的计划,最终使它们实现。让我们看看Walter Disney 的 Disney 王国。从美国到日本,再到香港,最后遍及世界各地。仅从一个小小的卡通人物-米奇老鼠起家, 在人们怀疑的目光和奚落的笑声中,他带着坚定不移的信念,一手建立起了他的梦幻王国。的经历和 有着异曲同工之妙。Honda 的成功可以概括为-梦想的力量。 Honda 始于一家制造摩托车的小型企业。他们下定决心冲击汽车市场时,我记得大概是在七十年代, 当时没人对 Honda 的汽车感兴趣,有此人甚至认为的汽车是用罐头做成的。具有讽刺意义的是今天许多人以拥有一辆 Honda 为傲。 Honda 还创造了自主研发 ASIMO 机器人的科技奇迹。 Honda 已经走在了世界科技的前列,原因很简单,他们有梦想。敢于冒险,勇于实验。他们,没有循规导矩,而是充分利用实验,总结经验,进行实践,最终实现梦想。

3. 有毅力的行动

是我们可以将之改变成富有本地色彩并与那一带的居民有着密切关系的名字。如果有人问起 BuangKok 新捷运地铁站,就好像在比喻废置的矿场一样。这样的新闻就曾经上过头版。现代的企业家必须具有创意与革新的构思。以此,我们就能冲破局限,以行动付诸。举世闻名的激励大师 Anthony Robbins 时常那么说,假若你要完全解放自己, 行动!很多的时候,我们只是在痴痴地原地踏步,把东西分析,分析,再分析,最终我们的思考层面被局限住了。还没飞跃的

4。 有计划地行动
当任何的计划失败时,我们会很容易地责怪他人。若有周详的计划 , 我们将不会失败。 如果我们计划得很好,我们将会做得很好 。 反之没有预先的计划或周详的计划,我们将会遭受失败。有了
周详的计划那成功的机会将会有50%以上。但根据我们本地人“kia su”的观念是我们一定要达到100%。在这现实的社会,绝对没有100%成功的范例。根据分析,如果我们能够计划得很好并且已经完成了预定计划的50%,那么剩下的50%就取决与很多因素。诸如环境变化,文化差异,交流障碍,定势思维以及其他一些难以预料的因素。不管我们怎么计划,我们都需要做实质性的研究。在美国第一次成功地把“阿波罗13号”送上月球之前,研究者们经历了许多尝试和错误。预定的过程已经存在,他们就将精力集中在目标上,即使是指南针也有指示偏角。因此在此最关键的是集中精力。勇往直前、细心观察,全神贯注、利用时机、协调一致。

Different types of Learning Disabilities - SO you are one of the KIND

Different types of learning disabilitites - So you are one of the KIND

Famous People with Learning Disabilities – Success Despite the Struggle
There are many famous people with learning disabilities. In fact, the list of people who have succeeded in life despite their learning struggles is quite extensive. Here's a brief snapshot:
Scientists: Galileo, Louis Pasteur, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Alexander Graham Bell.
Actors: George C. Scott, George Burns, Steve McQueen, and Sylvester Stallone.
Authors: Hans Christian Anderson, George Bernard Shaw, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Musicians: Mozart, Beethoven, John Lennon, and Cher.
Athletes: "Magic" Johnson, Bruce Jenner, Carl Lewis, and Nolan Ryan.
Politicians: John F. Kennedy, Nelson Rockefeller, Dwight Eisenhower, and Woodrow Wilson.
Military leaders: General Patton and General Westmoreland.
Famous People with Learning Disabilities – A Cross Section of General SocietyFamous people with learning disabilities reflect the general makeup of society. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 15% of the U.S. population has some type of learning disability. Of this population segment, cognitive difficulties underlying basic reading and language skills are the most common problems. In fact, like the general population, as many as 80% of famous people with learning disabilities primarily struggle with reading.
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On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Ban Seng CHEW <> wrote:
Some Types of Learning Disabilities – The First Step is Understanding Some types of learning disabilities can be "treated" through proper testing and training. The key is to identify the specific cognitive weaknesses causing the "disorder" and strengthen those cognitive skills through dynamic, one-on-one training and practice. For the parent, the first step is to understand the types of learning disabilities that may be affecting your child.
Some Types of Learning Disabilities – General Processing Issues Some types of learning disabilities are categorized by the cognitive processing problem. This means your child may have issues with one of the following:
Attention – The ability to stay on task in a sustained, selective, or divided way. Working Memory – The ability to retain and process information for short time periods. Processing Speed – The rate at which the brain handles information. Long-Term Memory – The ability to both store and recall information for later use. Visual Processing – The ability to perceive, analyze, and think in visual images. Auditory Processing – The ability to perceive and conceptualize what is heard. Logic and Reasoning – The ability to reason, prioritize, and plan.If there are significant dysfunctions in any of these seven cognitive processes, then your child probably has some type of learning disability. For instance, if "working memory" is deficient, your child may have a problem remembering instructions. If "auditory processing" is deficient, your child may have difficulty with reading and spelling. If "visual processing" is poor, your child may experience issues with reading maps, word math problems, and comprehension. If "logic and reasoning" are weak, difficulties may arise in problem solving, working with abstractions, or interpreting information. If the issue is poor "long-term memory," it may be difficult for your child to recall dates, names, and facts on tests. Of course, some children may experience problems in more than one process category.

Some Types of Learning Disabilities – Specific Learning DisordersIn addition to the cognitive processing categories, some types of learning disabilities are more specifically defined by education-based labels such as reading, writing, language, and math. These more specified types of learning disabilities are categorized as follows:Dyslexia – A reading disability (the student has trouble reading written words fluently, out loud).
Dysgraphia – A writing disability (the student has difficulty with forming letters and legibility).
Dyscalculia – A math disability (the student struggles with math problems and concepts).
Dyspraxia – A motor coordination disability (also known as Sensory Integration Disorder).
Dysphasia – A language disability (the student has difficulty with reading comprehension).
Aphasia – A language disability (the student has difficulty understanding spoken language).
Central Auditory Processing Disorder – A sensory disability related to processing sounds.
Visual Processing Disorder – A sensory disability related to processing images.
Non-Verbal Learning Disorder – A visual-spatial disability related to body control.

Leadership skills development at club level in Rotary.

Leadership skills development at Club Level.

Develop the leadership skills of your club members
Rotary International News - 28 May 2008
A club's leadership development program can help develop the personal leadership skills of club members, enhance their professional lives and nurture future club leaders.
Explore a new RI publication, Leadership Development: Your Guide to Starting a Program, for an overview of 10 recommended leadership topics for the program:
Communication skills
Leadership styles
Leading and motivating volunteers
Time management
Goal setting and accountability
Strategic planning
Ethics and The Four-Way Test
Building consensus
The publication provides practical advice on speaking points, discussion questions and suggested activities for each topic.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Character PART II

May 15 2008

1. Integrity. When a person has integrity as a principle personality trait he will not compromise honesty for any form of dishonesty. He respects others, his responsibility, his values and himself, because he knows that he is completely honest with himself. Integrity means among other things, honor, sincerity, soundness of principle, veracity and fidelity.

2. Open-mindedness. When open-mindedness is part of our character, we have a great advantage in life because we are alert to a growing mind. We are a good listener and do not color our thoughts with predetermined attitudes. We are flexible in mind, we are unprejudiced and can adjust to changing circumstances, quickly. Anyone truly qualified for leadership will have an open-mind. An open-mindedness opens the doors to greater awareness.

3. Sincerity. Sincerity means freedom from deceit, genuiness, simplicity, earnestness and whole heartedness, being true to onesself. When we are sincere with others we are only deceiving ourselves because we are expressing our real

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Write Out of Rotary E-club of 3310

About Rotary E-Club of 3310

Rotary CyberClubs started as an initiative of RI Preisdent 2000-2001 Frank Devlyn.

Following the 2001 Council on Legislation, RI Board agreed to support a pilot project to establish Rotary CyberClubs with innovative and flexible constitutional provisions.

Rotary E-Club of 3310 was officially chartered on 15 June 2004 with 21 founding members. We became the 1st operating CyberClub in Asia and the 8th in the Rotary World.

Each Rotary CyberClub is unique. Besides cybermeetings, we incorporated at least one physical meeting each month. We also have a non-voting "Associate" category for Rotaractors and full-time students.

The projects undertaken by Rotary E-Club of 3310 are fairly diversified although many have youth components in them.

Brookside Mission Trips -- Each year, we lead a team of youths to do community service work at Rotary International Village @ Brookside in Philippines. We have contributed funds towards the building of Brookside Children's Center and some houses for the destitute.

Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) -- Since our inception, Club members have helped out as trainers and facilitators. RYLA is a 4day/3night residential programme for youth aged 15 to 25. Many past participants have reported life changing experiences.

Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) -- For the third successive year, we are involved with our counterpart in Manila, Philippines. Youths work in pairs and represent one country other than their home country as ambassadors. At MUNA, they engage in lively debates on current world issues.

West Timor Mission Trip -- In our first year, we had a team of 18 youths to have hands-on involvement at Rosiln Orphanage and with local residents. Next year, we are looking at a delegation of some 40 youths for another 16 days mission.

Literacy & Water Projects -- We have done Matching Grant projects to provide a mobile library and stock up books for the children in West Timor. We are also exploring the possiblity of putting a boring well as the country has an acute water shortage problem -- it rains only two months in a year. Together with another Rotary Club in Australia, we may send a group of Rotary Volunteers (at their own expense) to teach English.

Natural Disasters Relief Efforts -- Our Rotarians have collected cash and donation-in-kind to help relief works for flood victims in Philippines and Malaysia. During the Tsunami disasters, we provided aids to far away countries like Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Thailand. Rotary E-Club 3310 also helped co-ordinate the distribution of 500 wheelchairs, donated to beneficiaries in Singapore.

Avoidable Blindness Programme -- Eyescreening and talks for senior citizens were done at Rotary Family Service Centre, Clementi, and Rotary-Ayer Rajah Students Care Centre. We have also organised to do a similar event for ITE College East's staff, lecturers, parents and friends.

Shine On, Singapore! Award for Unsung Heroes -- This is a District Vocational Service Award organised by our Club. The Award is present to someone who has practiced Rotary's ideals of "Service Above Self" using his/her vocation as part of his/her daily life.

"My Wish" Project -- The fund is to help terminally ill adults fulfil one final wish before passing on. This faciliates closure for both the patients on the final journey as well as their families.

ITE College East Interactors and proposed eRotaract Club -- Both help our members to remain focused and to play the role of mentors to these youths. Projects undertaken jointly include the Rotary Flag Day to help raise funds for Rotary Family Service Centre and overseas mission trips...

Visit us at to learn more of our activities. Contact our President Edmund Chew at HP : +65-96317749 or email :;

Dealing with Pain the Creative Way

For dealing with pain.

Pain, pain, go away ! No pain no gain ! Familiar. All of us go through pain - be it physical and emotional-at some point in our lives. Often though the emotional and psychological wounds takes a long time to heal. A stormy mariage, the loss of someone, lack of self-esteem, losing a well paid jobs, even something as simple as un unrealised childhood dream can wreck havoc on most of our systems. Although there are many ways of manaing pain - the most obvious one being to consult a specialist - dealing and getting through it finally ies in your own hands.

Pain is an element that can consume you given a chance. People handle pain differently because the pain threshold varies from individual to individual. So, how do we deal with it ?

I can share some of personal experiences and also pointers.

* Understand why pain exists. Depspite its unprelasantness, pain is a critical componet of the body,s defence system. Remember we are a living human being. We are alive. Every part of our body are covered with nerves and living cells. It is part of a rapid warning and defence relay systems. Instructing the motor neutrons of the central nervous system to
minimise detected physical harm. For instance, a deaf person cannot hear, due to his communicating signals to his brain is dead. No matter how loud you shout, he or she cannot hear . The nerves neturon connecting his brain is entirely out of order. Even you increase the volume so loud that it would hurt your ears, he feels no pain and hence cannot communicate .

The unpleasantness of pain encourages an organism to use any means at its disposal to disengage from the stimuli that it assumes causes the pain. It may also promote the healing process, just as most organisims will protect any injured region from further damaged in order to avoid more pain.Despite ites unpreleasantnes, pain is an important part of human existence. IF we do not feel pain, something is wrong with us. In one way or another, daily we feel pain physically or emotionally. It is how we control those pains that keeps
us alive.

* Preliminary pain can serve as an early warning system. Eg like my goug case. I knew my lower ankle starts to give pain each time i walk. Even before i start to walk,when i lift my
leg, the pain at the ankle starts. This is the signal warning system. It is like the body sending me a message to rectify it. WHen i am so busy working and thinking, i really cannot feel the pain. But the minute, i sit down and rest, the pain begins. And it can be a nightmare. It will disturbs your sleep ,it keeps you awake and you lose your energy easily.

SO it there is pain you can bet there is something in your lifestyle that is not serving you greater purpose in life. If you keep getting migraine headaches it could be that you are abusing your body ( eg, tension, stress, being overworked, too much sugar consumption, dehydration , not enough sleep) . Your lifestyle is leading you to be dissociated from your body. IT is time for you to wake up and change. It is like a alarm giving you the wake up call.

If you are suffering heartbreak due to a broken relationship , it is happening due to a distinct disconnection with your partner. Life is about integration; our mind-driven behaviour often leads itself to too much analysis and thought.Daily we are overloaded with lots of unwanted information. Because of the greedness of information, we keep on taking in all the unnecessary information. Analysis is about breaking things down so we become divided and we make ourself active. If we can make a simple analaysis of what we do daily, we can trained our brains to analsyse almost any thing.

* Acceptance . When you feel pain, don,t fight against it. Accept it withouht any resistance. Acknowledge that this is happenings as a forewarning to you. Take heed to it. It is like
what we call alarm system.Also do not be alarm by the pain. Do a simple analysis.

* Elimination. Acceptance takes youto the root cause of the pain. After accepting , and making a good analysis , prepare to make the elimination programme.Feel blessed and know that something is guding you into becoming stronger. Each painful incident will strengthen your physical and emotional self. BY going out to have fun and relax, ie, go for a swim,go for a walk, take a boat ride, drive your car to the greenery areas and rest.Be happy, be yourself.

* Don,t feel sorry for yourself and start to ask questios. " WHY ? WHY now? Why it had to be Me ? WHy not him or her or them ? Such negative questions will not help you to find a
solution. Do not even allow such negatively to take place. They may worsen your condition.

* Stop blaming yourself or anyone else for your pain.Accept the fact and face it positively. Deal with it. No one else can do it for you except yourself.SOme people can only support you, and give you guidelines, otherwise dealing with pain is an individual responsibility.

So it is really physcial health matters, go and see and find a General practioner and seek help.IF if is a emotional matter, seek a close friend whom you can trust and talk it out.Or look for a Healing coach or councillor for full assistance. They cannot be helping you 100 % and it is only you yourself that you have to stand up,be strong and deal with it.

Coment please.

My experience of Dengue after the BITE

Hi, one and all, Please help me to read n advised me what is wrong witht the story and comments.Appreciate your feedback and thorough put.

Good day, As i sit down each day before the night is gone, i often ask myself the following :

a.What did i learn today ?
b.Did i contribute anything useful today ?
c.What mistakes have i made and where is my learning point from my mistake ?

From here, i reflect back each day so that i can sleep soundly without any hestiation. Because i am very aware of my conscience, i believe that we as human beings can learn how to reflect each day what we have done to ourselves. And if we can answer daily this 3 questions, our lives will be more meaningful.

My name is edmund chew. I am SOBC, singapore original born chinese, first generation singaporeans. age 49. I have a family of 5, 1 wife, 1 daughter, 2 sons , myself and not forgetting my maid as well.So all in all Total 6 person. I experience the bite back last year , on 25th aug 2004. That afternoon at Raffles country club really make me changed my life. It was late afternoon, during our Charity Golf game that i feel very uneasy and unwell. I had a fever. I thought it was normal flu and i did self medication.The fever subside and went on for next 3 days.

On the 4th day which was 28th aug 04,i decide something is wrong with me. I thought i caught chicken pork again. SO i went to see the doctor and i explain to him what happen the past 3 days. He was shock and surprise that i survived the ordeal and encourage me to see the doctor immediately. He suspect that i caught dengue fever.That day i was really shock and surprised that it almost changed mylife.The fever went up sky high at 43,42,41 degrees high, like in toto numbers running in a roll. I took normal doctor prescription and rest more.

Next day, i went to Tan Tock seng hospital , as i was recommended by my company doctor to go for a blood test. Upon testing and to my surprised , he confirm it was dengue. I was really stunted and lost. I had hallucination of death knocking at my door.It was just like the Kiss of death coming to you. My blood plateaus drop from normal to 45ooo. The doctor was worried but he says it was mild and if monday the blood plateaus drop to 30ooo, i have to be awarded hospital gain for further treatment.The danger zone just began. That night i had a long sleepless night, because i begins to think of my family. I told myself that i must be well to take care of the family as i still have a responsablities towards them.

So came monday, i went back to tan tock seng hospital and get myself tested. It was the will to live that changed my destiny, the blood plateau shot up to 80000 and doctor advised me that i need to rest at home and can consider i am out of danger zone. I was happy and i was not convince . So the next following day, i went back again and check the blood plateaus it really went back to normal at 100000. I was completely fine. That was it. I was amazed and the doctor could not believe his eyes. Until today, they still wonder how i recover so fast. When i told them it is my will to live and love for the family, they could not believe me. What to do, i have to leave the anwers unanwersed. I want to share what was the learning lesson i learn here.

Never , never do self medication . If you feel that you are not well, go and see a doctor and if you are not convince go and visit a specialist at the emergency ward. My life was at steak. Frankly, i had quite regular check up every year and i always take good care of my health. i have learned after this incident that to treasure family love ones. Honestly this is my 4th time i missed death and i am grateful i am alive again.I learn how to treasure every moments of my life, with my dear ones, loves ones, friends, office colleague, community leaders, and i join nee soon south cc volunteer dengue group to help eradicate the mosquito.
Quote " Life is all about yourself" by DTM Edmund chew

Title : CTM to DTM, the 5-years journey for whom:
a. Non CTM and non toastmasters
b. Bukit Batok TMc, Nee Soon South TMc, Leng Kee Mandarin TMc
c. Un-learning, Re-learning enthusiastic speakers.

Sponsoring Club and mentoring clubs since 2001, when I started my
journey on public speaking, my life has really changed. Looking back, I have no regret as I could go beyond and above my abilities in achieving almost anything.

I have learned how to control that 'oops' or 'aha' effect each time when I stand in front of the crowd.

5 years ago, I was invited by my "Money and You" classmate, Ms juliana Fook who was already a member of Bukit Batok Toastmasters Club. I thought, a Toast-Master Club was just like another MLM or Pyramid seminars.

On that night, I was surprised when I arrived at the Bukit Batok Community centre. I received a very warm greeting from the SAA.

I thought as a guest, we were supposed to listen and not to participate in meetings. When the SAA started the meeting by asking every individual in the room to introduce oneself, I realized that everybody are required to say a few words or speak up.

When it came to my turn, I thought everybody was supposed to present one self in the shortest time possible. I stood up and spoke for about 3 minutes. I told the audience that I was a guest for the night and had no knowledge of the protocol of the Toastmaster,s meeting.

Next item on the agenda was the subject on the basic of a prepared speech. It has a well structured format where one can practice public speaking.

We need to break the ice. This was PROJECT ONE called the Ice Breaker.
It teaches us to introduce ourselves to the audience. As a speaker, we are often

carried away by our own emotions. We don't have to prepare very
thoroughly what we want to present.

You have to introduce yourself by breaking the ice using 3 key ideas or good points to the audience within the 4 t0 6 minutes.

PROJECT TWO calls for speaking with sincerity. By speaking sincerely to the audience, you can move them emotionally and also mesmerized them with your speech.

A professional speaker always uses simple words and simple topics with 3 basic key points. Sitting in a 2-3 hours' meeting is no laughing matter.

If the meeting has no agenda, or so-called structure, the meeting will drag on for a long time and thus bored the audience.

PROJECT THREE calls for "Get to the point". Unfortunately at some seminars, half the time, the speaker does not get straight to the point.

PROJECT FOUR is on "How to say it correctly" in public speaking and
reading from script are world's apart. Writing a good speech and speaking well or delivering a good speech are totally different.

PROJECT FIVE is headed "Your body speaks". We also have to use the hand, body language and eye contact. Speakers in each project, the speeches are evaluated based on the objectives laid down in the manual.

I did my CTM within a month when I first started. My Club President and executive Committee could not believe me it. I told them I had that "aha" and "oops" in me. It was that simple. It boils down to personal discipline and attitude.

For me, I am a very focused person. You can say, I am a dog-and-bone man, relentless in the pursuit of my objective.

I achieve what I wanted to do. Toast-mastering is a self-propelled journey of learning, un-learning and re-learning about self-awareness and self-actualization of one self.

The world needs toastmasters to motivate, to encourage, igniting the positive energies.

After I became a member, I started my journey as a SAA, then gradually became the VPPR, Vice President of public relations and VPPM, Vice President membership. From the appointments, I learn the roles and responsibilities of each role . These roles are equivalent to the real life-role out in he real world. i.e. the chief marketing officer, chief operations officer, etc. Eventually, I became VPE and finally the President of the Club.

Along the way, I learned that each role is unique. This is what we call self-leadership-training skills. From here, I graduated to become the Area Governor. It is here and year 2003 that I achieved the DIVISION B, TOASTMASTERS OF THE YEAR AWARD under District51, Toastmasters USA International. It was really exhilarating for me. That year also saw me achieving the Spirit of Enterprise Honoree 38 Award and also the E-merits, E-global Entrepreneur Awards. If we want to advance ourselves to be a good leader, we should go step by step.

After I became the Area Governor B 2 of Division B, we achieved the President Distinguished Area in the year 2004 under District 51.This was a sheer two years of hard work, fellowships, fun and commitment. It also makes me think that everything is possible if you have the WILL and SHEER DETERMINATION. The most important thing is FOCUS on what you really want to learn .That makes me a very different person. I also learn how to mentor and sponsor new clubs and new members. To me, Toast-mastering is a way of learning how to be a good public speaker and a better Leader.

BY DTM Edmund Chew
Bukit Batok TMC, Nee Soon South TMC, Leng Kee Mandarin TMC
email :,

5 Laws of LIFE you can Depend ON

Fellow friends,

Most of us probably already know these laws. But I guess it's worth going through them one more time. Enjoy !

By edmund chew

5 Laws of Life You Can Depend On


1. This, too, shall pass.

Nothing stays the same. The only constant in life is change. With every decision we make, we initiate change. Even when we decide not to decide, life still goes on, and changes still occur. When we are in a state of discomfort, sadness, grief, or pain, we know that because life goes on,
change will bring us some kind of relief. And because even comfort, happiness, and all good things also pass, we know that we need to appreciate and cherish each precious, fleeting moment.

2. Time heals.

The timepiece of life never stops. Neither does it pause for those who celebrate, speed up for those who are impatient, nor slow down for those who fear tomorrow. Time ticks a regular rhythm that steadily brings new moments, new days, and new seasons. As time pushes forward, we take
new steps, face new challenges, and create new opportunities. And as life goes on, we are forced to move past our episodes of disappointment, sorrow, or despair. More than anything else, time heals not just broken bones but broken hearts as well.

3. Ask, and you shall receive.

People won't know what you want unless you ask for it. Dreams and goals are just wishes until you act on them, and acting on them often requires that you ask for answers, for assistance, or for something tangible. It takes a lot of courage to ask for help, but when you come forward, only
then will the world know what to give you. Just ask and know that miracles can happen.

4. You can have anything, but not everything.

Life offers us infinite possibilities. With hard work, determination, and perseverance, we can achieve anything. If we are willing to pay the price and go the extra mile, we can have whatever our hearts desire. But no matter how hard we try, we cant have everything . Life is a balancing act of wins, losses, and trade-offs... we gain some and we lose some.

5. What goes around comes around.

It's the universal law of nature: do to others what you want others to do to you, because whatever you sow, you reap; whatever you give, you get back ten-fold. It doesnt hurt to smile, or be kind, or extend a helping hand. You never know when or how, but every act of goodness
always returns to the GIVER. Give one today and receive ten tomorrow.

The E.C Road to Success

The “E.C” Road to Success…

Is the path to success ever easy? We posed this question to Edmund Chew (E.C), an ITE Alumni member who graduated with a certificate in Dimensional Design from the Baharuddin Vocational Institute.

Now, this is the man who started his million dollar logistics operations with two dollars, transported the tallest Christmas tree into Singapore when everyone thought it was not possible, runs a seminars and management consultancy company, is a much sought-after speaker, is the official study host for Coachville Singapore Chapter, is very actively involved in the Rotarian and Toastmasters movement in Singapore, was one of the award winners of the Spirit of Enterprise 2003… gosh, his string of achievements is certainly very impressive!

Q: Edmund, do you remember how life was for you as a VITB (now ITE) student?

EC: Like it or not, we were wrongly labeled as underachievers in my time. While it was true that I was weak academically and didn’t like most of the subjects in school, I did excel at Art, History and Literature. I felt like the black sheep of the family because all my other siblings did well in school. But then I figured that I am more of a hands-on person. That is why VITB training turned out to be quite suitable for me. There, I acquired valuable trade skills and also learned to be more creative.

Q: In Singapore, having the right paper qualifications is deemed important to get a good job. How did that affect you?

EC: Let me answer that with a short story. On my first day in the course, my classmates and I met our teacher, Mr Iskandar Jalil (Singapore’s most famous potter). The moment we sat down, he gathered up a clump of clay, slammed it onto the table top and exclaimed, “There! That’s what you all are now! A useless pile of mud!” We were shocked and absolutely crushed by his words. As we stared at him, Mr Jalil quickly brushed the clay onto the floor and replaced it with a finished vase. He continued, “Look! From that piece of mud, you can be a beautiful vase! That’s the transformation that will take place in your lives before you walk out of my class!” We were inspired! You know, I never regretted my humble beginnings in ITE. In fact, I am forever grateful to Mr Jalil and ITE for believing in me!

Q: And so the seed of success was planted in your young mind. How was life after your graduation?

EC: Haha! Maybe it does help sometimes that I am not so clever. Right after graduation, I did my national service and straightaway ‘chiong’ (Hokkien for rushed into doing something) already! I started my own small business in printing cards. But, too bad, no business and I had to close shop after six months! I then worked as a graphics and signboard artist. I did a Marketing diploma course and explored other business ideas. I figured with Singapore becoming a business hub, the logistics sector would grow correspondingly.

Q: So you ‘chiong’ again?

EC: Ah! I learned from my earlier mistake. This time, I knew that I needed to start from scratch and learn the ropes of running a business properly. And mind you, this was a totally new area, not something that I studied in VITB. So for two years, I was the despatch boy, I was the driver… you name it and I did all of that! Just for the experience. After that, I went to work in a multi-national company (MNC) to get marketing experience. About three years later, I was finally ready! I found some partners and formed a joint venture company. There was no looking back after that!

Q: You make it sound so easy! So what is the secret to success?

EC: I have been asked that so many times and my answer remains the same - Nothing Comes Easy! It’s sheer hard work. No short cuts! No escaping the mistakes and the pains. You have to learn new skills, relearn basic skills and unlearn outdated ones! For me, I honed my drawing and communication skills. At age 45 now, I am still learning! There is so much knowledge around us and we need to tap into this huge knowledge base.

Q: Sigh, now you make it so tough! Is that what our new ITE graduates should expect when they join the workforce?

EC: The new graduates are so lucky. They learn more things in school these days and with Singapore giving more recognition to entrepreneurs these days, they can get a mentor or coach to launch their careers. As for me, I learned the hard way - by trial and error. Nobody told me what to do. But the new ITE graduate must realize that things move at a faster pace these days. They have to be motivated to know more than the next person, to seize the opportunity at the right place and right time.

Q: Would you have any advice to give to our graduates?

EC: Communication skills are very important. Learn to speak and write better. The winner is the person who can convey his ideas clearly and sell his ideas effectively. Dare to be creative and tell yourself it is all right to fail. And be prepared to step out of your comfort zone. Singapore is very small and we need to explore the many opportunities found in the region, like China and India, as well as globally. You have to be prepared to forsake the safe confines of Singapore and work in a different environment, to work with people from different cultures.

Q: One last question… it’s amazing how you have achieved so much in your life? I am sure you don’t do time travel. So how do you find so much time to do these things?

EC: Some people say I am mad but do you know I sleep only about four hours a day? Life is so short and we have so little time left, taking away the time we spent studying, sleeping and eating! Everyday, I am up by 6am, walk my son to school, start work at 9am, make sales calls after lunch, have dinner with my family, then engage in meetings and networking activities until about midnight! It is tiring but I enjoy every minute of it! I reserve Saturdays all to myself to ‘recharge my batteries’. Sunday is my precious Family Day. Maybe there is one other secret I will leave with you…and that is my DNA. No, it’s not some good gene that I was born with. It simply means Discipline and Attitude. With that, you will get the energy and drive to do anything that you want to do!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Letting Go

Hi friends,
Below is the transcript of a speech I delivered for my toastmasters
project. Actual delivered speech content is much reduced from this
transcript because of time constraints on actual delivery session.


A man had a minor renovation work to be done in a room on the second
storey of his house. Being the clever DIY handyman, he was able to plan
and perform the work without engaging contractors, thereby saving money,
and have fun doing the job himself!

When the job was done, he had some bricks and a bag of unmixed cement
leftover. Putting on his thinking cap, he came up with another clever
idea to save him several trips up and down the stairs for removing these
from the room.

He fixed a simple pulley system, with a wheelbarrow and loaded the
barrow with the items. He went to the garden at ground floor and pulled
the connecting rope, lifting the barrow off the balcony floor of his
upper room.

What he miscalculated was that the combined weight of the barrow and its
contents was heavier than him. By the law of gravity, he went up, the
barrow came down. On his way up, the barrow knocked his ribcage,
bruising him with a sharp pain. The barrow continued downwards, he
continued upwards. Next thing he knew, his fingers was gripped by
pulley's groove, another an excruciating pain.

The resultant jerk tilted the barrow, emptying its content onto the soft
green lawn. Another problem now. The barrow was empty, and so lighter
than him. Again the law of gravity meant he goes down, barrow goes up.

On his way down, the barrow smashes into his right shin, suffering him
another bad painful knock. He continued tumbling right onto the
scattered pile of bricks, suffering minor cuts all over his body.

As he lay groaning, he absentmindedly released the rope. And down came
the barrow crashing onto his left leg.

He had held on to his safety line - the rope - for far too long. He had
let the rope go far too late.

Earlier today, I received an SMS from friend who informed me
that his wife had given birth to healthy baby girl. This was such joyous
news. It brought back memories of when my wife gave birth to our daughter.

While we hold our newborn babies delicately, and pretty much so for
their first year. We would be carrying the baby in our arms, in tender
embrace, shielding her from sun, rain and sometimes, even other people!

There will come a time, when we cannot be holding on to our baby, but we
must let her go, in order that she learns to walk. We can't embrace her,
nor hold her hands all the time, if we truly want her to learn to walk
on her own.

Letting go. And so it is with the relationships we have with our loved
ones, regardless of age. There's a saying "if you love something, let it
go. If it does not return to you, it really wasn't yours in the first
place. If it really belongs to you, it will return to you sooner or later."

My two children are now toddlers. They not only can walk, but they can
run! I know, sooner or later, they will be teenagers, and then they not
only will run, but they'll also want to fly. Fly away from the safety of
our nest every now and then. Much as I hope to keep them safe, shielded
from predators and the harsh environment out there, it will do them no
good, if they do not learn to take care of themselves, learn to mix with
good company in their own peer group. They must have the freedom to
learn, to grow, to experience, to live!

If they remain attached to our parental apron strings, they will forever
be in our shadows, never being able to be leaders, never learning about
self-responsibility, never knowing what it's like to face the
consequences of their actions on their own, because we the parents will
forever be shielding them, protecting them, hindering them.

Letting go. And so it is with our plans for our work involving
colleagues, subordinates or other people we outsourced to. The success
of every major work undertaken by many people is dependent on everyone,
each performing his best. To bring the best out of each person, there
must be certain amount of freedom and autonomy. Of course, freedom and
responsibility goes hand in hand, but that is another speech, for
another time and place.

A wise teacher once held a class in the open space. He asked his
students. "To achieve more success, do we have to be in control and
pursue active doing, taking, getting?"

Most of his students answered affirmative. Illustrating, he asked them
to grab as much sand with their right hand, by clenching their hands
into fists over the sand. And he instructed them to use the left hand,
keeping it open, and scoop at the sand, without clenching the fingers.
Moral? The more we hold on, the less we have. The more we let go, the
better the end results.

Heard of the way Javanese trap monkeys in the olden days? Monkeys were a
delicacy some decades ago, or even centuries, I'm not sure. The Javanese
would lay a trap, by boring a hole through a tree trunk, large enough
for a monkey's arms to reach in. Within the trunk, they would place
berries, nuts, and various small fruits. They purposely did the
laborious work of burrowing the trunk and placing the goodies in full
view of their targeted monkey victim.

Monkeys are curious. When the trapper leave to a safe distance away, the
monkey will, without fail, scamper to the burrowed hole, reach in and
grab the goodies. The trouble for the monkey, now being, its clenched
fist containing the goodies will now be too large to be withdrawn from hole.

The trapper can now walk up to monkey, put a rope around its neck. Too
late for the monkey now as it released the goodies from its hands and
withdrew its arm from the hole. It's too late! It is caught!

Letting go. It's easier said than done. It's something I have to learn,
because I am a control freak by nature. It's very difficult for me.

"Let go, and let God", a teacher exhorted me recently. Letting go is not
a single step. It's a journey. Letting go of loved ones, so they can
rise up and fly on their own. Letting go of my plans, so that others
involved can shine in their roles, so that everyone benefit from the
freedom and autonomy, which releases creativity, innovation and of
course brings about a higher probable rate of successful results.

I personally will like to believe success is measured by the number of
people I help to attain happiness, progress, satisfaction, or knowledge.
I will like to believe now, that success is not what nor how much I
have, but how many people I share my life with. Thus to me, if I truly
want to be successful, I must learn to let go of people, let go of my plans.

Letting go. The final letting go will be on my deathbed, telling myself
that I've done all there is God had wanted me to do. Having no regrets
over my life. Letting go and not hanging on to the last breath of life.
Letting go. To be free, to achieve, letting go.

Copyright, Brendan Ng, 11 May 2005.
Please retain this speech in its entirety, if you do forward it. This
speech reflects the ongoing agony and struggles I have for the past one
month. I'm still struggling.



We are living in an ever-changing competitive environment. We need to re-invent ourselves for global challenges and be responsive and be adaptable to the fast-changing world.

In today's rapid changing business world, business practices constanly evolve and change. How fast can we adapt in the market place ? Who are the big players and competitors ? Where are they located ? When are they going to launch the next product ? What is our next move if we want to go into another new market place ? All these questions are constantly in our minds. Singapore is just only a tiny red dot. We have a comparatively small population. Our market size is rather small. How then can we plug ourselves into the GLOBAL world . " GLOBALIZATION " IS THE NEW BUZZ WORLD.
Everybody wants to jump into the wagons of new oppourtunities. Frankly, we just need to change that Gs PULL in our mindset by just Doing the LEAPs.

1. Life Learnership and Leadership
2. Experiencial,Experimental, Excellence
3.Aspiring Accelerated Actions.
4.Pre-plans, Planned Programming
5.Strategics, Schynorise, Strategies.

1. Life Learnership and Leadership

We must idnentify what we really want in the first place. The simple theories of " 4 WIVES, 1 HUSBAND " THEORY exploring these questions - Who, Where, When, What and How to GO about it. In anything we do, the most challenging barrier we face is the constant changes in plans and surrounding environment. Most of the times, we tend to lament, and complain. We gives lots of excuses for ourselves to be negative. We seem to be living in tghe negative G's Pull. We feel so pressurised in our mind. It is just like flying a fighter plane. Suddenly there is a change in the G's pull, and we feel our blood pressure pumping up.Well, in life, we must understand about

learnership and leadership. What do we mean by learnership ?
First we must learn to un-learn.Then, we re-learn to learn the BASIC. Often, we forget our BASIC. Learnership is not all about academic theories, but it is all about simple basics. Simple common sense applicable in our daily lives. The more we share our little success with others, the more we create new ideas in our learnership. Learnership also comes from Leadership training skills. Leadership often comes unnoticed. Leaders are not born, neither are they trained. It is their natural talents that they are aware of . From there, after taking notice,they learn to and take on leadership roles. Every learner has to do some form of a soul searching. We seek advice from
our Mentor, Coach or any Business Consultant.We alone cannot see our own self. We need another person (mirror) to see ourselves. Thusthree is so much to learn about life alone. The world changes especially in the new e-era. We are living in the e-world. Everything is interconnected - all through internet and electronic media. We are
connected electronically.

2. Experiential, Experimental, Excellence

They say, experience is the best teacher. Often times, our past personal experience help us realise our mistakes and takes us through the learning phase. We are all fearful of making mistakes, we are afraid of our own doing. We are too protective of ourselves. We refuse to accept others viewpoint. We tend to be self-centred. From experience, we learn that by experiementing, we can uncover the real talents within ourselves. We can pursure futher with excellence, and move ahead with the experiential excellence that we have discovered. It is all about learnership through self-discovery.
Look at WALTER DISNEY. Who would have thought that DISNEY LAND is so popular everywhere today - in USA, JAPAN, HONGKONG and many parts of the world. He created a huge CARTOON empire through just one CARTOON icon-MICKEY MOUSE.Initially, everybody was very skeptical of his invention and even laugh at his work. Buthe persevered and continued relentlessly. The same scenario for HONDA - ' THE POWER OF DREAMS '. Honda was only a small medium entrperise dealing in the manufacture of Motorcycles in JAPAN. At that time, HONDA had decided to go into cars, while dealing with motorcycles. I could still remember back in 1970s, nobody want to buy HONDA made cars. People said it was made out of TIN cans. Today, if you really possess one, it reflects one's prestige and status. In the past 10 years, HONDA has again created History by creating ASIMO- a HONDA self -propel ROBOT. These two examples showed us how these pioneers became successful through

perseverance, risk-taking and experimentation. They did not re-invent the wheel. Instead they invent new products with innovation and experimentation.

3. Aspiring Accelerated Actions

Most of us dare not have DREAMS. Instead, we tend to be followers or copycats. We want to make life easy by looking at other. Here in our local situation, whenever there is something new, you can see replicas within the same month, or within the same vicinity. It is sad to know that we are just followers. Just take a close look at the
COMMUNITY CENTRES. In Tampines alone, we have 5 different zones: The Tampines - NORTH,SOUTH,EAST,WEST AND EVEN CENTRATL. Can't we change and have new creative ideas of the names.Instead of Tampines Central, why not rename it as North Trendsetters. Or we can create names which reflect local flavour, yet
retaining the same affinity within the residents.
If you ask me about Buangkok MRT, the " WHITE ELEPHANTS " will always imprint into my mind, because they have made headlines. We must have creative aspiring ideas. With this, we can dare to challenge ourselves by taking on new innoviative project. The world renown Action Coach, ANTHONY ROBBINS ALWAYS has this to say : " If you want to unleast yourself, TAKE ACTION ". Most or half the time, we have our own dreams and passion, but we fail to take action. We often do analysis and by then, we breed paralysis. Even before we leap, we are already ' paralysed ' by our own action. SO the more action we take,the more we can be inspired to achieve our dreams. WISDOM often comes from experience by aspiring accelerated actions.

4. Pre-Plans, Planned Programming

Whenever any plan fails, we tend to point finger at others. It is so easy to pick on others. If we have planned well, we certainly would not have failed. If we have pre-planned what we want to do ahead, we will be able to plan and do well. Thus, when we plan well, we will do well. The chance of succes is above 50 % . But our local "kiasu " mindset tells us that we must hit 100 %.

In the real world, there is no 100 % full proof success. From analysis, if we are able to plan well, and if we have already accomplished 50 % of the said plan. The next 50 % depends on several factors, such as the environmental changes, cultural differences, communications, mindset thinking and many other unanticipated issues. No matter how we plan, we need to do some soul-searching. When the AMERICANS first sent APOLLO 13 up to the moon, there were many trials and errors before they
succeed. The Planned course of actions was there. They just focus on the target, while the focus of the compass that they pointed was off angle. SO the key word here is FOCUS : Fast-forward, Observe, Concentrate, Utilise, Synchronise.

When ever we set new goals, we must pre- plan, planned and program ourselves just like a neurolingusitics program. We must have the ' worst case scenario ' in mind - that is, what happen if the worst comes to mind. At least we have tried and with that comes the positive mindset and motivation. We learn from our life's lesson. There is no right or wrong. Take for instance, SARS and, TSUNAMI - WHo knows when these calamities would take place. IF we can focus, we will definitely take careful steps to plan. At least, we are more mentally and physically aware of our past happening. SO even when the next calamity comes, we would be ever ready to face it. SO pre-planning is very important.

5. Strategies, Synchronise, Strategies

There are many renounced strategies in doing business. In GLOBALISATION of the world today, with new technologies, things are evolving very fast. We need to do a lot of critical thinking, and apply new strategies in our daily lives. Nowadays, there are so many books, coaches and School of Thoughts. Using the past history,Military idas are not new in the present world. I always admire the Finaland company call NOKIA. This company is not in the Telecom business, yet they are the world leaders in the current handphone market. SO strategic ideas with strategic strategies must comes in handy. The Americans managed to win the Gulf War because they were able to apply their new technologies and synchronise them them well with strategic strategies. They plan it so well that they minimise the number of casualities. In fact, there are many golden oppourtunities in the world. With the upcoming of Dragon and Phoenix,there are massive opportunities. If only we can learn from our own strengths and weakness, then we can do the GLOBAL QUANTUM LEAP. GLOBALISATION is not all about technologies. It is about how we dare to dream, apply learhership and leadership skills, pre-plan with strategic strategies and plug into the world market. So are you ready to make that move ?

Article contributed by Edmund Chew, a E-actionpreneur , trained coach, and trainer with Astrans (s) Pte Ltd. He does conduct weekly seminars on business topics. He also conducts monthly group coaching programs on Entrepreneurship programs. Visit or contact him on 96317749 or email /

Why Employees leave organisations


Every company faces the problem of people leaving the company for better pay or profile. Early this year, Mark, a senior software designer, got an offer from a prestigious international firm to work in its India operations developing specialized software. He was thrilled by the offer. He had heard a lot about the CEO. The salary was great. The company had all the right systems in place employee-friendly human resources (HR) policies, a spanking new office,and the very best technology,even a canteen that served superb food. Twice Mark was sent abroad for training. "My learning curve is the sharpest it's ever been," he said soon after he joined.

Last week, less than eight months after he joined, Mark walked out of the job. Why did this talented employee leave ? Arun quit for the same reason that drives many good people away. The answer lies in one of the largest studies undertaken by the Gallup Organization. The study surveyed over a million employees and 80,000 managers and was published in a book called "First Break All The Rules". It came up with this surprising finding: If you're losing good people, look to their immediate boss .

Immediate boss is the reason people stay and thrive in an organization. And he 's the reason why people leave. When people leave they take knowledge,experienc e and contacts with them, straight to the competition. "People leave managers not companies," write the authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. Mostly manager drives people away? HR experts say that of all the abuses, employees find humiliation the most intolerable. The first time, an employee may not leave,but a thought has been planted. The second time, that thought gets strengthened. The third time, he looks for another job.

When people cannot retort openly in anger, they do so by passive aggression. By digging their heels in and slowing down. By doing only what they are told to do and no more. By omitting to give the boss crucial information. Dev says: "If you work for a jerk, you basically want to get him into trouble.

You don 't have your heart and soul in the job." Different managers can stress out employees in different ways - by being too controlling, too suspicious,too pushy, too critical, but they forget that workers are not fixed assets, they are free agents. When this goes on too long, an employee will quit - often over a trivial issue.

Talented men leave. Dead wood doesn't.

Good Health meanst good Take care of LIVER

Good rest and sound sleep is veryImportant... if u don't sleep well,The toxic in your body will accumulate.. Affecting your health and your mood...The main causes of liver damage are:1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause.2. Not urinating in the morning.3. Too much eating.4. Skipping breakfast.5. Consuming too much medication. 6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener. 7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit. 8. Consuming overly done foods also add to the burden of liver. Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bo dy to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to "schedule." Because: Evening at 9 - 11pm : is the time for eliminating unnecessary/ toxic chemicals (de-toxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on her health. Evening at 11pm - 1am : The de-toxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state. Early morning 1 - 3am : de-toxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state. Early morning 3 - 5am : de-toxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the de-toxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal proce ss. Morning 5 - 7am : de-toxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.Morning 7 - 9am : Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 -10am rather than no meal at all. Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 4am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood. Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.Express yourself and stay connected with the latest Windows Live Messenger! Windows Live MessengerShare life's special moments with others...

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My success story as President of Rotary E-club 3310

Here is my success story as President of Rotary E-Club of 3310. I owe it to my two mentors; our CP B S Chew and Honorary Moderator, Dr Ho Loon Shin.

Both of them single-handedly guided me from day one when I became a Charter member. There were behind me, guiding me daily either by sms, telephone or internet. We connected all the time, 24/7. That is the fellowship and camaraderie which has become our Rotary E-Club's icon.

The journey began in the first year when we were chartered. I told my mentor then that I have a passion for youths and would like to start off as New Generations Director for 2 years. But I soon found that 12 months were too short a time for full appreciation of the situation.

So I FOCUS on what I called projects for youths. Before, l embarked on any project, I would consult my two mentors. I went through the 3-H process -- Head on, Hands on, and Heart on, learning, unlearning and relearning.

I started with simple BASIC knowledge of Rotary which is to attend club meetings and never to miss club meetings. Attendance is the most important of all. Besides PRESENCE, we need to be PARTICIPATIVE in Rotary Club, District and overseas events/projects. Be yourself.

I am proud to say, I was 100% in attendance though our Rotary E-Clubs is UNIQUE AND SPECIAL IN OUR OWN WAY only having a monthly physical meeting and 24/7 in cyberspace. That was quite easy and good for me. As most of our club members are professionals and businessmen, it was an IDEAL CHOICE. I have always wanted to join a Rotary Club and I have found the ideal Club in ROTARY E-CLUB OF 3310

My first two years were spent in building youth projects. The first was to sign a Twin Club in MANILA. With the help of my mentor, CP B S Chew, our first sister club was sealed. We did joint projects, building several houses at Rotary International Village @ Brookside. Each year, our ITE Interactors and Rotaractors raise US$1,000 to fund the building of one house. They raised funds through their own projects to build houses for the destitute there. We were lucky. We not only have one Sister Club but another which focuses on MUNA (Model United Nations Assembly). Our Interactors and Rotaractors have acquired first hand experience in understanding the preliminary procedures and workings of United
Nations. Each year, at least 5 to 15 members came along. Our largest contingent of youths was 20 including the teacher-advisors and Rotary mentors.

Our Rotary E-Club sponsored the ITE College East Interact Club and latter formed the 1st ever Rotaract E-Club of District 3310. Most of the Interactors graduated after 2 years in ITE College but they still have the passion and fire in their belly. They keep asking me, "Uncle Ed, what do i do next=3F". I told them, "Not to worry, I will form one E-Rotaract Club for you".

As my desire and passion grow deeply in youth, we were very lucky to have very good Sister Club in Johore Bharu where we did joint RYLA projects. It became a regular feature and many asked us, "How come you are so successful in organizing RYLA."

We are now exploring the extra mile to TAKE THE CHALLENGE by twinning with another Rotary Club in District 3330. Our long term goal is to hold an ASEAN RYLA in the years ahead.

We have decided to work with NGOs. Come 26 and 27 July 2008, we are organizing for the first time, a YLO-Rotary "Anthony Robbins-style" 2 days Y-rated program for the 1,200 youths. This is done in collaboration with another Rotary Club and MCYS.

It has been on going since the day I joined Rotary E-Club. My mentor taught me to JUST FOCUS on one item at a time and to build the relationship. By doing that, we are also promoting and publicizing “ A
Guide to Daily Living and The 4-Way Test”. Being trained as a boy scout and a grass-root leader, it was so easy for me to understand the concept of Service Above Self.

In the first year, it was very tough. We started as a PROTOTYPE Rotary E-Club. Many seniors and experienced Rotarians were very skeptical that we could do projects. Despite the challenges, I was comforted by my mentor that "we win some, we loose some". It was not the thunder we want to steal at the District; rather it was COMPASSION and LOVE. Everything is changing. We need to move on or be left behind.

After the initial two years, I decided to assume a higher leadership role. I was installed as President-elect in the year 2006/2007 before becoming president in year 2007/2008. During the process, I learned to network with other Rotary Clubs. I practiced what my mentor taught me, "Made the talk, talk the talk and walk the talk."

We formed strategic alliances with other countries and other Districts. I told them, as a PROTOTYPE, the more we should expand and stretch to the fullest what CREATIVE IDEAS WE CAN DEVELOP. Rotary
E-Club of 3310 is a MODEL that has been successfully tested! The result is simply amazing! There is no right or wrong way of getting things done.

We embarked on numerous projects. One of them was the first ever, Unsung Heroes Award during RI World Understanding and Peace Day. We held the Rotary Foundation Flag Day as well as helping out in the flood in Philippines caused by typhoon and tsunami..

PP Dr Ho Loon Shin is the CIA in our portal. Together with CP B S Chew, they made a difference in my life. At the recently concluded District Assembly, we received the following recognitions from District Governor Chris Chen, namely,
1. Best Interact Club Project -- Winner, ITE College East Interact Club
2. Best Interact Club Project -- Winner, Rotary E-Club of 3310
3. Best Vocational Service Project -- Commendation: Best New Initiative
4. Best "Guide to Daily Living" Project -- Commendation

Without these twin pillars (mentors), my term as President, would not have been easy. Let us continue to work harmoniously as a T-E-A-M to MAKE DREAM REAL for our children. Let us make the necessary changes to help make this world a better place to live in.

President Edmund Chew
Rotary E-Club of 3310

Making things HAPPEN… Experience the enthusiastic and easy to connect way....

WE ARE REAL. Log on:

May Mesage

CLP- Compassion, Love and Passion
May is the month to say, "Let's all sit down and plan for the club installation and take a look at the new term ahead of us." It's easier to talk the walk than it is to walk the talk. In other words, plan your works and work your plans.
As I reflect back on the day when I decided to become a member of a special Rotary Club called the Rotary eClub of 3310, I ask myself, "Why this Rotary eClub of 3310?" The reason is uniqueness. We are a PROTOTYPE. We are the 1st eClub outside the USA, and 8th in the WORLD. The only difference is that we meet up physically once a month, but we have ready access to the Internet and can communicate anytime 24/7. Our USP (unique selling point) is that we are all very busy people and we need to take time off to sit down and plan things. If you ask me how committed I am, I can tell you that I am 100+% committed if I am free to do what I can do.
Each year, we as Rotarians decide how best to use the resources that we have: our time, our skills, and our funds. These decisions are not always easy or obvious. They are not simple questions of right or wrong. They are complicated questions of who needs our help the most and who can we help the best. We want to use our resources efficiently, to maximize the good that we can do. Often, we are drawn towards needs that our hearts will not allow us to ignore. We aim always to strike a balance, to find the projects that will give the maximum benefit for our Rotary investment. We know that if we make our decisions well -- if we do our research and understand the needs and are wise and careful with our resources -- we will do the most good with everything that we have.
That is our responsibility as Rotary leaders: to do the most good we can and to inspire other Rotarians to do the same. In the end, the responsibility for successful service projects lies with each Service Director. But it is the job of the President and senior Rotarians and the Board to guide, motivate, and encourage the Club to focus their efforts wisely.
Water, literacy, health and hunger -- these are the categories of Rotary service that have endured for several years and with good reasons. These are areas that let us do the most good with everything that we have. In my mind, these are the focus areas we should continue to pursue.
In 2008-09, the theme Make Dreams Real shall be a challenge to us all. We can Make Dreams Real by giving children hope and a chance at a future. We can Make Dreams Real by bringing clean water to their communities. All new projects begin with small initiatives. In other words, start off small, but dream big.
Our job is to work together, one Club with another, to do what is needed. We need to leverage on the strength of the Rotary network. Our job is to Make Dreams Real. We can turn those dreams of a safe and happy childhood -- a childhood that becomes a long and healthy life -- into a reality, because all of the world's children are our children.
Youths are 100% of our future. On 26 & 27 July 2008, together with Rotary Club of Suntec City, we are partnering Youth Life Ownership Ltd (YLO) to bring you "Rock It!" @ ITE College East. The purpose of Rotary-YLO Youth Rally 2008 is to bring together 1200 youths from neighbourhood schools and re-ignite their passion and ownership for life! Come and support us, finanically or otherwise. All donations, through Foundation of Rotary Clubs (Singapore) Ltd, shall enjoy double tax exemption receipts.
The logic is to make people interested and available for commitment. Honestly, how many of us are really free. We are all committed to our WORK, FAMILY, and BUSINESS. We are professionals in our own ways. How do we find the time for FELLOWSHIP, COMMITMENT, RESPONSIBILITIES and at the same time enjoy COMMUNITY WORK? I can tell you, the only answer is to join a Rotary eClub. At Rotary eClub of 3310, fellowship is eminent, members are professionals, the people are friendly, our personalities unique, and we are committed. And it is so easy to communicate -- just log on to and we are there 24/7.
WE ARE REAL - alive and operational 24/7 on the Internet. We are living in the NEW AGE world, a world of ongoing change.
Our belief system is to practice the CLP (Club Leadership Plan). Come Learn Practice what you have learned at the PETS or District Assembly. In that way, you can continue to Contribute, Lend a Hand and Plan the projects you really want to do with Compassion, Love and Passion...
President Edmund Chew
Rotary E-Club of 3310

Rotary June message

Dear eClub members,

As the month of June draws near, I start to recollect those memories and moments of July 2007 each time I wake up in the morning to a new dawn - to another day filled with promises and hope. Had the TEAM not stood behind me all the way, I would not have made it till now. Thanks to the eClub Board and each and every eClub Rotarian. Thank you for the "let's get it accomplished" enthusiasm that I needed most.

In Rotary, a new dawn breaks every July. It is the beginning of a new term, and it brings with it a heightened sense of expectation and excitement.
It is about passing it on, going onto the next lap and striving to achieve greater things with the next new leader.

By any measurement, the term that had just passed had been a successful one. For a few years running now, the eClub has been recognised with the President Citation Award in our District of 3310 every year. It is a remarkable achievement for a new club only into its 5th year.

Many successful projects were held locally and overseas, such as in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia and members are still talking about the great time they had there. This year, we want to expand across the South East Asia region to further our efforts and reach out to communties with literacy and water projects.

Another milestone was reached when we signed the twin agreement with District 3330. We hope to expand RYLA and combine the strength of both districts and leverage on the professionalism and experience we gained over the years. The members from outside Singapore (i.e. District 3330) and our twin club Johore Centennial are so strong that we are targeting to do a 300 RYLA group programme at the end of this year.

The time has come now to turn to a new page, a new chapter. The cycle of training our officers, of continous learning and of membership recruitment has begun once again. We are WARRIORS and not worriers.

We begin the term with new expectations and with excitement, for a new book lies before us. And as Edith Lovejoy writes, "...its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter...."
One and a half millennium ago, an Indian poet wrote:
For yesterday is but a dream,And tomorrow is only a vision.But today – well lived,Makes every yesterday a dream of happinessAnd every tomorrow a vision of hope.Look well, therefore, to this day!Such is the salutation of the Dawn- Kaalidaasa

It is the beginning of a new term; the breaking of a new dawn. May we live this day well. I hereby officially will hand over to the next president, Susan Wong and the new Board. I hereby wish them GREATER SUCCESS in what ever DREAMS THAT THEY DREAM OF. FOR EACH DREAM, IT WILL BE REAL.


Rotary-YLO "Rock It!" Youth Rally 2008
Organised jointly by
Youth Life Ownership Ltd
in partnership with
Rotary E-Club of 3310
and Rotary Club of Suntec City